Quote Typography

About this Piece

Use my typography skills to create a powerful image based on some of my personal favorite quotes. A lot of these quotes come from the music that I listen to.


To start off I first look for typography options that will work with the quote and good font pairing options.


I choose the style of the poster based on the song, album artwork, music video (if there is one), and the general artists brand.


Here are some examples of basic posters I’ve created over the years. Usually using basic photoshop tools to make a simple but clean looking design.

Illustrations of People


Most of the illustrations here are musicians, this is because I love music and find listening to music very inspirational for creativity. Sometimes I will just be listening to a specific artist and just get the urge to illustration them in my free time. Doing these illustrations is something I very much enjoy because it gives me the freedom to be creative and listen to music at the same time.


First step I take is to use the pen tool in Adobe Illustrator and create a basic outline of the subject. I make sure I outline everything that needs to be filled in with color. It is also important to make sure every path is closed.

Adding Color and Detail

After I have the subject outlined I then start to add color with the live paint feature. 

When I fill in each section with color I start to add more detail like eyebrows, shadows, etc to enhance the final illustration.

Need an Illustration?

The Defiant Ones (HBO) Poster

About this Piece

HBO came out with a four part documentary series called The Defiant Ones, which goes into the unlikely relationship of Dr. Dre (Hip Hop Producer) and Jimmy Iovine (Founder of Interscope Records) in the music industry.


For this poster I wanted to take some inspiration from the original posters from HBO’s official promotion. The main take away from the documentary was that you can do amazing things as long as you ignore the negativity around you. This is where the  “You Will Never” with the strike through comes in.

Watch the trailer for The Deiant Ones

Breaking Bad Art Deco Poster


The main purpose for this piece was to create an Art Deco style poster for a TV show or Movie. I chose AMC’s hit show, Breaking Bad. Art Deco has almost no rounded shapes and is mostly made up of jagged edges.


I drew inspiration from one of the original promotional posters from AMC. I wanted to keep the same kind of feel of the show when designing this poster.


After having the initial idea down I got right into Adobe Illustrator and started working. The most important part of this piece was to have Walter White, the main character, recognizable. I used the iconic look he had on the show which was the black pork pie hat, glasses, and goatee.

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